Thursday, March 10

Air Action Weekly! - Winter 1937 Ed. 7

North America's #1 Publication Covering Topics Important to Aviators and Aviation

New Pony Reserve Open!
          Well it seems that horse-riding is all the rage these days! Only a few days ago the Vixen Sol Pony Club made itself known, and now a competitor is on the horizon! Well known gentleman pirate and Hispanic ladies-man, Lycan Fuego, has opened up his own Pony Reserve on board his Zeppelin, open Monday-Saturday, Admission is Free!
           Is he the same Lycan Fuego he was? Well the slogan of his new Pony Reserve seems to bear all.
"Lycan Fuego Pony Reserve, let our passion burn through you!"

High Calibre Beer - The Beer with a Bolder Taste!
High Calibre Beer - A Bolder Taste
     A superior quality, for a superior taste. Nothing can compare to High Calibre Beer for the Aviator of class and tact.
     We've been the leader American beer for over a decade now, and we won't let a cheap competitor like 'Titan Ale' lead you away, from the only beer that's worth having.
     So chose High Calibre Beer - A Bold taste for a Bold Adventure.

A Dark Lance in the Night
          Growing rumours about the 'Iron Lances' squadron are making pirates everywhere think twice, before taking to the skies. Several squadrons Aces have been shot down, and their entire operation shut down. Stories of planes 'Screeching as fast as Lighting!' have been coming back to us here at the Air Action Weekly office.
          "It was just like any other normal night at the facility [Blake Aviation Security R&D Facility, Colombia], when the night sky shone up as bright as days. Flares everywhere, then a horrible ruckus as bullets and rockets shot past. I saw a few men land from parachutes, run into one of the Hanger, emerge a few minutes later to be picked up by a rope ladder dropped from a plane. They was gone as fast as they came!"
          If you have any stories of friends and family being brutally attacked by the 'Iron Lances', send your story in Today!

Controversy over Zeppelin Repairs Buy-Out!
          "Loose" Lenny Lou, of Lenny Lou's Emporium, Sky Haven, has sparked controversy today, by attempting to buy-out several Zeppelin repair companies in Boulder, Free Colorado. Many mechanics in the area are against the Buy-Out saying, "Why it's worst than centralised Government this is! Some yokel from up in the mountains trying to own our businesses over here, why it's not right!"
          One who is being a parituclar thorn in Lenny Lou's side is one Sibenik Bertone, who has refused Lenny Lou's business advances several times now, and has threatened "Violent reprimands, see?" if he continues.

A New Approach to Zeppelin Launchings!
         A whole new system of Plane launchings from Zeppelins has been unveiled today! The 'Secret Tunnel System', the S.T.S, or what is quickly becoming know as the 'Flat-Top' design.
         Developed by Dr. Tycho, of Dr. Tycho' Speciality Ammunitions, who has now branched out into Zeppelin systems design and is releasing his own magazine, Modern Mechanix, showcasing all the latest inventions in aerial technology (Seen left).
'Modern Mechanix' issue 1 went on sale today
With it's exciting new design on the cover.
         The Zeppelin design in question uses a flattened roof as a landing strip, by cutting away the top 8th of the Zeppelin down its spine, until reaching a conning tower. This leaves a section for the hanger doors and the lift system to put in place.
          "It's really quite simple" explains Dr. Tycho, "Planes are still housed in lower belly of the Zeppelin, but are then carried on cranes up to the top of the Zeppelin, where they can taxi out onto the runway, and make their launch"
          "Some of my colleagues have criticised my design, because it uses more energy to carry them up to the top, rather than the old technique of using gravity. But we used a crane system instead of a flat lift to save on weight. And all our tests have shown that landings are a lot safe this way, much better than trying to fly into the under belly of a Zeppelin at speed! No, this is the safer aerial launching and recovery system of the future."
          More on this story as it develops.

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