To email the GMs, please email the society with the subject header:
'[Crimson Skies] - feedback/questions/downtime/Air Action'
Naturally, delete as applicable.
Society Email:
We meet in Lecture 2, Fulton House. Every other Friday, at 6pm.
Running the sessions are run by: Eliot Miller.
Running the sessions are run by: Eliot Miller.
Feel free to leave comments, in or out of character (please make that clear though).
Write in if you want to justify or condemn the actions of your squadron - or another's.
Perhaps you want to advertise your services?
Or, maybe you want to make a completely unrelated yet amusing entry!
Whatever your fancy!
Write in if you want to justify or condemn the actions of your squadron - or another's.
Perhaps you want to advertise your services?
Or, maybe you want to make a completely unrelated yet amusing entry!
Whatever your fancy!